
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Episode 61- Trillia Newbell
Friday Aug 10, 2018
Friday Aug 10, 2018
What Women Wish Their Pastors Knew About Women (Pt. 2)
On this new episode, Dave is joined by Trillia Newbell. Trillia currently serves as the Director of Community Outreach for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission for the Southern Baptist Convention. She is also a wife, a mother, and the author of several books including her most recent release, God’s Very Good Idea.
Dave and Trillia unpack certain cultural events like #MeToo and Black Lives Matter and how pastors should address these issues. Ideas discussed include the following:
1. Creating a Gospel saturated environment that is informed by scriptures
2. Getting in close proximity with those from opposite walks of like so that our understanding can grow.
3. Actively taking steps to insure our congregations are reflecting the heart of God.
This is an incredibly helpful episode that expands on our desire to hear from the voices of women!
For more information on Trillia, please visit: trillianewbell.com.

Friday Jun 22, 2018
Calling Question: How do I prepare my heart to preach?
Friday Jun 22, 2018
Friday Jun 22, 2018
For today’s “Calling Question”, Dave addresses the tension the preacher confronts each week of preparing the heart to preach before the Audience of One while also preparing to preach to people.

Friday Jun 01, 2018
Episode 60 - Collin Hansen on "15 Things Seminary Couldn't Teach Me"
Friday Jun 01, 2018
Friday Jun 01, 2018
15 Things Seminary Couldn’t Teach Me
Today, Dave is joined by Collin Hansen. Collin is an author, the Chief Editorial Director at The Gospel Coalition, and he is an old friend of the AIC Podcast!
While many of us have had the privilege of attending seminary, we also had a steep learning curve upon leaving seminary and entering into vocational ministry. There was much that seminary didn’t prepare us for!
To discuss that very issue, Dave and Collin talk about the new book that he edited alongside Jeff Robinson, “15 Things Seminary Couldn’t Teach Me.” They talk about the history that led to writing the book as well as why they felt the need publish it. They also broached the subject of how applications of complementarianism can influence seminaries towards a more narrow field of options for theological education for women.
This is surely an episode that many of you will be able to personally relate to and we hope that it brings encouragement to your soul.
For more information on the book, CLICK HERE.
To enter for a chance to win a free copy, CLICK HERE.

Friday May 25, 2018
Friday May 25, 2018
Dave and Jamin are joined today by Bland Mason. Bland is a church planter; the pastor of City on A Hill in Boston, Massachusetts; and the chaplain for the Red Sox.
Beginning with Bland's conversion and his early years in pastoral ministry, the conversation glides through training church planters, pastoring an educated congregation, doing Kingdom work as a pastor, and his call to be a baseball chaplain.
SPOILER ALERT: If for any reason you are behind on "This Is Us", there is a brief spoiler in this episode!
For more information on the Spanish assessment, visit soyllamado.com.

Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Sex, Pleasure, Paradise, & Pastoral Ministry
Today we are joined by Dave’s long time friend and the first person to ever join us on the AIC Podcast–Paul David Tripp. Paul is a well-known author, speaker, and pastor-counselor. His has written many books including Dangerous Calling, New Morning Mercies, and his newly released, Sex in a Broken World: How Christ Redeems What Sin Distorts (Crossway).
Paul begins by giving us an update on his health and telling us how God has confronted him with his confusion between his faith in Christ and his confidence in his own strength.
Dave and Paul quickly dive into the primary topic of the podcast–Sex. They discuss the need to understand sexual pleasure with an eternal mindset, how to pastor in light of the sex driven culture, and how we cannot live with “paradise mentality’’ in the pleasures we experience in this temporal world. From there, they wrap up the show by speaking on current trends within the church and complementarianism.
To download the excerpt from Paul’s new book: Click Here
To enter for a chance to win a physical copy: Click Here
Disclaimer for Parents: While today’s episode does not contain anything graphic in nature, it does deal with the difficult topic of sex. Please use discernment when deciding to listen around young ears.

Friday Apr 27, 2018
Episode #57 - Bob Lepine of Family Life Radio
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
“The Relevance of Radio, the Story of Family Life, and How To Do An Effective Interview”
Dave is joined by well-known radio hosts, Bob Lepine. Bob is the co-host alongside Dennis Rainey for Family Life Radio. He is also the church planter of Redeemer Community Church in Little Rock, Arkansas.
In this packed episode, Bob tells of his journey towards his job at Family Life Radio and how their vision is to provide Marriage and Family application that is profoundly practical, personal, and derived directly from Scripture.
Afterwards, the remainder of the episode is spent discussing what makes an excellent interviewer and how audience participation is not only key to being an effective interviewer, but is also key in developing worship services that cause the congregation to be participants rather than consumers.
For more on Family Life and the upcoming parenting move, Like Arrows, visit Family Life's website: Click Here.

Friday Apr 20, 2018
Friday Apr 20, 2018
For today’s “Calling Question”, Dave provides insights for pastors on how to handle this difficult-but-consistent-problem that leaders face in providing meaningful help to troubled marriages.

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Episode 56 - Elyse Fitzpatrick
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
“What Women Wish Their Pastor’s Knew About Women.”
This is one you won’t want to miss! On this episode, Elyse Fitzpatrick–a well-known author (Give Them Grace, Because He Loves Me, Home, and the newly released, Finding the Love of Jesus From Genesis to Revelation), speaker, wife and mom talks to Dave about the #Metoo Movement, women’s voices in the local church, and how pastors relate to women in their congregations.
As the episode comes to an end, Elyse explains the inspiration behind her recent book and then gives us one of the most encouraging reminders you will ever hear on a podcast!
For information on her latest book: Amazon
For her podcast: Front Porch with the Fitzes

Friday Feb 23, 2018
Episode #55- Community & Longevity w/ Pete Greasley
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
The Surprising Connection Between Community and Longevity.

Friday Feb 09, 2018
Episode #54- Pastoring Millenials, Gen X-er’s and Boomers with Pete Greasley
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Surprises in pastoring Millenials, Gen X-er’s and Boomers