
Monday Sep 01, 2014
Monday Sep 01, 2014
In this episode, Dave Harvey interview Tim Challies. In this podcast they talk about...
- How Tim got started in blogging.
- How Tim went from blogging to pastoral ministry.
- The idol of communication.
- Other topics.

Wednesday Aug 20, 2014
Wednesday Aug 20, 2014
In this episode, Dave Harvey answers the question: If a young man (16-18) came to you and told you he felt called to ministry, what advice would you give him?

Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
Tuesday Aug 12, 2014
In this episode, Dave Harvey interviews his friend and fellow pastor, Pete Greasley. They discuss:
- Pete's very creative solution for funding an early church plant.
- How to create a missional culture within the church.
- Pete's very "boring" call to ministry, which is actually very encouraging.
- How to help a man who feels called, but his wife has reservations.

Tuesday Jun 03, 2014
Tuesday Jun 03, 2014
In this episode, Dave Harvey talks to author and speaker, Paul Tripp. In this episode, they talk about:
- Why Paul wrote the book "Dangerous Calling".
- How pastors can build a culture of grace in their churches.

Tuesday Jun 03, 2014
Tuesday Jun 03, 2014
In this episode, Dave Harvey continues to interview author and speaker, Paul Tripp. They talk about:
- The glory of God in creation and in the arts.
- How to enjoy created things without giving into materialism.

Tuesday Jun 03, 2014
Tuesday Jun 03, 2014
In this episode, Dave Harvey interviews popular author and speaker, Paul Tripp. In this episode, they talk about:
- What it means to be "called".
- How God called Paul into pastoral ministry.
- The role of the church in confirming pastoral calling.
- How pastors should assess men who sense a call to ministry.
- The strengths and weaknesses of seminary.