
Friday Jan 26, 2018
Episode #53- “On Richard Baxter” with Todd Augustine (Pt.2)
Friday Jan 26, 2018
Friday Jan 26, 2018
Introducing A Titan of Practical Theology, Richard Baxter!
Todd Augustine returns to discuss Richard Baxter’s ministry in greater detail. Todd served as Pastor of Congregational Life at College Church, Wheaton. IL and now lives in Naples where he is the Pastor of Covenant Church–a PCA Presbyterian congregation.
In this episode, Dave and Todd dive into Baxter’s practical outworking of the theology he held to so dearly. We will hear how Baxter–and the Puritans at large–trusted not in their own words of wisdom, but in the Word of God that gave forth true transformation.
This is a fascinating look into God’s work through the ministers of old and we hope it encourages you to persevere and hold fast to God’s Word in these modern times.

Friday Jan 19, 2018
Episode #52- "On the Puritans" with Todd Augustine (Pt.1)
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Friday Jan 19, 2018
Why Every Church Leader Should Know the Puritans and Pastor Richard Baxter!
On this new episode, Dave sits down with Todd Augustine to talk about the amazing ministry of Puritan Richard Baxter. Todd served as Pastor of Congregational Life at College Church, Wheaton. IL and now lives in Naples where he is the Pastor of Covenant Church–a PCA Presbyterian congregation.
The discussion begins with Todd’s story, his unlikely transition into ministry, and how he discovered the writings of the Puritans. From there, Todd explains his in-depth study of Richard Baxter–and how contemporary leaders can apply the advice of the Puritans to their modern-day context.

Monday Nov 06, 2017
Episode #51 - Tom Ascol on Being Faithful to the Local Church
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
What does it look like to faithfully serve a church for over 31 years?
Dave and Jamin are joined today by Dr. Tom Ascol. Tom is an author, a scholar, the Executive Director of Founders Ministries, and the pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida where he has served for over 31 years.
The wide variety of topics discussed include the following:
- Tom’s early years in pastoral ministry and how God helped Tom resolve deep questions about what it means to be in ministry.
- The benefits of pastoring one church with a long-term vision
- The providence and pains for one struck by lightning
- The importance of thinking of pastoral ministry through a theological frame of mind.
This episode is packed with insight about faithfully serving the local church. We think it will encourage you and stoke your motivation for loving, serving and leading within your local church!
For more on Founders Ministries, please visit founders.org.

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Episode #50 - J.D. Greear on Church Collaboration
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Why is this year’s Sojourn Network Leadership Summit (starting October 23rd in Louisville!) about churches collaborating with one another?
In this episode, Dave is joined by J.D. Greear. J.D. is the lead pastor of Summit Church in Raleigh, North Carolina as well as a faculty member at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a former missionary to Southeast Asia.
Dave and J.D. discuss the nature of church partnerships and how they are important to the survival of both the local church and international mission efforts; the differences between planting a church and starting a multi-site campus; and then the reasoning for J.D.’s removal from the vote for the presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention.
This episode wraps up with the wonderful reminder that the greatest days of evangelism are ahead of us–not behind us!
For more information on the Sojourn Leadership Summit, please visit the Conference page HERE.

Friday Sep 15, 2017
Calling Question: How does an individual know they are growing in humility?
Friday Sep 15, 2017
Friday Sep 15, 2017

Friday Sep 01, 2017
Episode #49 - Trip Lee on Making Much of Jesus
Friday Sep 01, 2017
Friday Sep 01, 2017
What does it look like to for an acclaimed hip-hop artist to become a pastor and make much of Jesus?
On today’s episode, Dave and Jamin are joined by Trip Lee. Trip Lee is a hip-hop artist with Reach Records, an author, and a pastor at Cornerstone Church in Atlanta, GA.
Trip starts off by discussing his upbringing and how the Lord brought him to where he is as both an artist and a pastor. From there, Dave, Jamin, and Trip speak on discipleship in the local church, church planting, and some surprising thoughts on areas of suffering that reminds us that the Lord doesn’t simply supply us with strength, but that he IS our strength.
Disclaimer: We apologize for some of the rough audio quality of this interview. There were some technical difficulties in picking up Trip’s audio channel. However, we are grateful for the awesome team at Resonate Recordings for rescuing us and saving the episode.

Friday Aug 18, 2017
Episode #48 - Dr. Carl Ellis, Jr. and Racial Justice
Friday Aug 18, 2017
Friday Aug 18, 2017

Friday Aug 04, 2017
Episode #47 - Ronnie Martin on Creativity
Friday Aug 04, 2017
Friday Aug 04, 2017

Friday Jul 21, 2017
Episode #46 - Church Planting with JR Vassar
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Is a pastor unsuccessful if he moves on to another position?
Dave and Jamin are joined on this episode by JR Vassar. JR is a former planter in New York City who now pastors Church at the Cross in Grapevine, TX. Once the pastor of a thriving church with two campuses, JR felt called to step down from his position as Lead Pastor and move for the health of his family.
Following this background story, Dave, Jamin, and JR leap into discussing some specific situations in the world of church planting and pastoring. Topics discussed include:
- The effects of transitioning from one pastorate to another position elsewhere
- How the Gospel can be revealed at a greater level amidst uncertainty in transitioning
- The Biblical idea of ‘’success’’ within ministry
- When it’s NOT okay to leave one position for another
There is a lot packed into this episode and we pray that you find it beneficial in your planting and pastoring aspirations.

Friday Jun 30, 2017
Friday Jun 30, 2017
What is the Holy Spirit’s role in preaching and how did Charles Spurgeon experience the Spirit? On today’s episode, Dave and Jamin have the wonderful opportunity of speaking with Zack Eswine. Zack is the Pastor of Riverside Church in Webster Groves, MO as well as the Director of Homiletics at Covenant Theological Seminary. He is the author of several books including “The Imperfect Pastor”, “Spurgeon’s Sorrows”, and “Sensing Jesus.”
They begin by discussing Zack’s doctoral work on Charles H. Spurgeon and then quickly move into an engaging conversation on the Holy Spirit’s role in preaching and how the Spirit has shaped Zack’s life and preaching during his years in the pulpit.
For more information, please visit The Pastor’s Abbey at zackeswine.com.